School Loan Programs for Rural and Farm Families

Michigan Rural Rehabilitation Corporation

MRRC, Michigan Rural Rehabilitation Corporation, is a nonprofit corporation dedicated to serving rural Michigan communities. Originally created by the Federal government in 1935 to assist farm families following the Great Depression, MRRC today acts under the guidance of its Board of Directors and offers educational, agricultural, 4H/FFA, mortgage, and business loans to those associated with agriculture or who reside in a rural community. 

MRRC has been making student loans to low income Michigan rural and farm families since 1971 through the various Federal guaranteed loan programs. Following the implementation of the Federal Direct Student Loans in the 1990's, the Tuition Assistance for Rural and Farm Families (TARFF) alternative loan program was created in 1997 as an alternate student loan program to meet some of the expenses not covered by other loans or grants.

MRRC supports 4-H and FFA members with low interest loans for annual fair projects. Group 4-H and FFA projects may be eligible for loans and/or grants.

MRRC's ROAP (Rural Opportunity & Agricultural Programs) Loans are available to rural Michiganders for agricultural purposes or for those seeking to purchase a home or small business in a rural community. We do not make loans for annual operating expenses. Contact our office for details and to have an application sent to you.


© 2013 Michigan Rural Rehabilitation Corporation